A closer look at innovative products in the Pays de la Loire….

After the summer of 2019, which provided an opportunity to test the seven innovative nautical ideas, the emphasis this year has been placed on communication about these products.

–          A radio advertising campaign on the sailing offers for families “Vogue&Vague”:  1671 spots on two regional stations.

–          A leaflet promoting the five innovations disseminated to 60,000 people in the region (Tourist Information, professionals, sailing events, etc.). 

–          A communication campaign aimed at the general public on the Kidiklik website dedicated to children’s outings and family activities (258,000 views) and a page dedicated to promoting products on water and by bike on the France Vélo Tourisme website: https://www.francevelotourisme.com/destinations/pays-de-la-loire-a-velo/bateau-velo

–          Three videos, two of which promote sports and health products and one on the Vogue&Vague area of the Vendée Globe village: https://youtu.be/-Z74gi-Qr4I